A Registered Charity & an NHS Charity
As an NHS charity, we play a key role in helping the NHS to go further for staff, volunteers and patients.
The South Western Ambulance Charity is a UK registered charity no. 1049230.
Our Mission
We support the work of the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) in delivering exceptional care to South West communities, our staff and volunteers.
Our Vision
To inspire supporters to make a life-saving difference to the work of the South Western Ambulance Service.
Our Values
Provide enhanced funding to make the difference to the communities we serve and our people.
Treat every person as an individual, giving the personal touch to those we support and those who support us.
Demonstrate professionalism and respect in all of our activities.
Keep an open line of engagement and communication to ensure we are listening as well as informing.
Exhibit honesty and integrity at all times in everything we do.
Please contact us on 0300 3690108 or email charity@swast.nhs.uk.