Pennies From Heaven
Could you do something little and make a big difference to our charity? The 'Pennies from Heaven' salary giving scheme, enables staff to keep the pounds they earn and donate the pennies to us.
Salary payments are rounded down to the nearest pound with the penny balances donated to the charity. The most you can donate every time you are paid is 99p.
Money raised helps to fund a wide range of enhanced services from the Staying Well Service to support South Western Ambulance Service staff and volunteers with their physical health and mental well-being. It has funded items such as specialist counselling and physical therapy sessions, ambulance station quiet rooms, Slimming World vouchers, memory trees and benches, menopause support and sports initiatives.
Payroll Giving
Payroll giving is a better way to give regular fixed amounts. It's an easy and tax-efficient way to give more, for less, through your salary.
Giving even a small amount each month through your pay supports the wellbeing of our exceptional staff, equipment for our incredible volunteers and our 'Saving Lives Together' campaign in South West communities.
CAF Give As You Earn
Donations are taken from your salary before income tax is deducted, making it a tax-efficient way for you to give.
E.g. £10 per month costs £8 to a 20% tax payer, £6 to a 40% tax payer or £5.50 to a 45% tax payer.
E.g. £25 per month costs £20 to a 20% tax payer, £15 to a 40% tax payer or £13.75 to a 45% tax payer.
If your employer operates this payroll giving scheme please select the 'South Western Ambulance Charity' as the recipient of your donations.
Check whether your employer runs Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Give As You Earn scheme or is signed up to 'Pennies From Heaven'. If so, you can donate to the South Western Ambulance Charity through your payroll. SWASFT operates both payroll schemes for staff.
SWASFT employees can click here to sign up to support us.